Informational video outlining the GBViE crisis
After the launch of the Adolescent Kit, I was asked to join UNICEF's Child Protection team to lead the design of the Gender-based Violence in Emergencies Programme Resource Pack (GBViE). This comprehensive resource included a suite of informational and training resources for use by staff throughout UNICEF - from Regional Directors to on-the-ground staff.
Much like the Adolescent Kit, this project involved the coordination of a number of players including programme section leadership at UNICEF HQ, UNICEF country office staff, a GBViE technical consultant, a Toronto-based design firm (Rally Rally), a South Africa-based video production firm (Rooftop Communications) as well as a local packaging manufacturer. The challenges were many: from establishing a fresh look & feel while maintaining a respectful tone, to facilitating the communication of technical concepts between technical experts and the creative teams challenged with making the dense, technically complicated content accessible to all levels of staff. With so many talented people, strong opinions fueled ultimately by passion, the creative process was extremely intense. I'm pleased to say the resulting product successfully reflects the hard work and dedication put forth by this diverse team.
Covers and resource content types:

Prototype case:

Kit packaging prototype.