View of mirror sculpture “Reflections on the Nature of Inertia”, by artist Jason Robinson.

Materials: wood, mirror (found object), vinyl

At first glance, I can understand how someone encountering this piece might feel as if the artist (me) is casting judgement. True, the idea for the piece did come as a result of me questioning the sudden groundswell of support to end racism and police brutality despite these issues having persisted over generations. Why now? What was special about George Floyd? Why not Philando Castille, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin...? Does it even matter; especially if people are finally acting? I think the answer is yes, it does matter. Not because we have anyone to answer to. Rather with reflection (the act of introspection) we can learn what’s at the heart of our actions or inaction. There are a number of societal challenges we need to tackle in order to make our society a just one. Ending institutional racism and police brutality, #metoo, preserving human rights and protecting our environment to name a few. By understanding what keeps us from acting (e.g. fear, lack of information, lack of empathy, feeling helpless, feeling overwhelmed by life) we can then use this knowledge to propel us and our sphere of influence forward toward real long lasting change.  
- J.R.

Materials: wood, mirror (found object), vinyl

Unique piece.
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